ILP Wiki - Metaphysical Lust


ML (Metaphysical Lust) is at least the difficult desire to know something, with complete certainty, if not everything. We use many expressions that ignore change. Most of our expressions ignore change. There's a continuum, for example, between objects and events, not a fixed line. Which term we use has more to do with the scale upon which we live than it does on anything else.

Fireworks are a favorite example of mine. What if it took a century for a firework to explode? We'd call that an object, even as we recognize that it changes, as all objects do. It would be unusual to call an exploding pyrotechnic an object, though, as it happens in real time. Calling anything an object more or less ignores change. Ignoring change, or even just generalizing, freezes time or denies difference. Very useful. But this is useful only within some context. The metaphysician either ignores context or makes the context "everything", which has the same effect. Ideas that are perfectly useful when limited by context become nonsense when that context is removed. Metaphysical lust impels us to remove that context.

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Re: What Is The Meaning Of Looking For Meaning?

by Faust » Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:08 pm
Looking for meaning keeps us alive. Looking for Meaning is just metaphysical lust, which like any lust, is enjoyable to a point, but must be controlled by our better intellectual instincts.

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Re: Nothing beyond thought.

by Faust » Sat Dec 19, 2009 3:05 pm
But I think it should be noted that it is probable that, at least until civilisation came into being, the complete solipsist would be a complete solipsist only for a short time, until he perished. That lion charging at you hungrily would be unlikely to go away when that solipsist turned his back and plugged his ears.

At some point, philosophy turned away from common sense and ordinary experience, and similarly plugged its ears.

Too much metaphysical lust, and you don't fuck the world - it fucks you.

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Last modified : Thu Sep 6 08:15:37 2012