ILP Wiki - Awareness Perspective

Awareness Perspective

In the "Awareness Perspective" (of Nah), we take The Awareness to be the basic ingredient in Information Processing.

However, the nature and mechanism of awareness isn't yet well known and the awareness isn't taken for granted to exist (in permanent and/or universal sense), to be good (for us, for something else, or in any way), to be reliable.
I simply use awareness as hypothetical and temporary base when I think about certain things because it seems to provide explanations for what I'm interested in.
As awareness itself seems to have the positive/absolute bias already built in, I think it's better to be very cautious about having or building blind faith/trust/dependency/etc. Otherwise, like any positively tainted perspective, this can turn any one of our idea into a sort of "religious" belief.

Basic nature of Awareness

The basic nature of awareness I've noticed and we can observe, so far:

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Awareness as the positive certainty generator

Because of the focusing on the positive matching area and its stickiness (which is required to produce positive match of above minimum continuity), awareness generates the sense of certainty.

If we are aware of something, we are certain about it (in varying degree, depending on the density, sharpness, etc of the focus and awareness).

To maintain the awareness, it's necessary to avoid the sense of uncertainty (and remain/keep the state in which the sense of certainty is generated).

This cause the awareness to have the bias for positivity and persistence/universality, as fluctuation breaks the sense of certainty and wider spot is difficult to miss.

Implications of awareness-certainty link

Since our mental activity is directly based on how we focus our awareness on different matter and compare/evaluate them, our thought is highly and tightly biased towards positivity, certainty, and permanence/universality, which is nothing other than our (often subconscious) image of the absolute.

In addition to the bias, we desire the positive/certainty/permanence/universality/absolute while fear the negative/uncertainty/impermanence/limit/restriction.

Thus, it's normal to see such tendency in most of our mental activity and its products such as logic, philosophy, religion, and so on. In short, most of our mental activities are the quest for the positive/certainty/absolute (in slightly different forms depending on the nature of each person).

The awareness-certainty link is most probably responsible for the prevailing occurrence of "hinge-proposition", in the sense Sam26 presents in this thread (in another forum).

And I would say that lots of our theories/systems are built/founded upon hinge-propositions, and also restricted by them.

In the case of formal logic, I think it's evident that the motivation for having such system is to preserve the sense of certainty (represented by Truth/Fact/Reality/etc) and even boost it, as I've written in this thread:

Personally, I see logic as something a bit different:

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Potential Remedies

Last modified : Wed Jul 3 19:32:18 2013